EAIR Forum Cork 2024

Track 4: Sustaining Resilient Quality Cultures in Higher Education

Track Chairs: Elizabeth Noonan, Saskia Ulrich, Dr Jannica Budde
External quality standards and guidelines at international and national level provide important reference points to guide the orientation and development of quality assurance and quality management approaches. As the importance of the social dimension of higher education has grown, this has been reflected in international, national, and institutional policy and strategies that have made values-based approaches; diversity and sustainability, more explicit elements of higher education cultures and missions.
International frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals and national diversity priorities are reshaping a broader definition of quality higher education in the 21st century. Within the European Higher Education Area, the European Standards and Guidelines ESG provide a means of enabling reflection, evaluation, comparison, and systematic improvement in the quality of higher education and are intended also to enable the social dimension of higher education. As quality management systems and methodologies have become embedded and continue to evolve within higher education, successful quality methodologies need to encompass organisational cultures, practices, and values to provide a meaningful frame of reference for staff engagement and institutional development.
This raises an important question about the extent to which established and emerging quality assurance methodologies at system and institutional level can promote and sustain resilient cultures of quality in higher education, inclusive of values of social cohesion?
This track invites contributions on the influence, impact, and scope of quality methodologies from system and institutional perspectives, indicatively:
  • What leadership configurations, orientations and practice are important in establishing and sustaining resilient quality cultures in higher education systems and institutions?
  • In what ways can quality assurance methodologies be developed to respond to changing system and/or institutional quality concepts, missions, and cultures?
  • What mechanisms and information sources might be required for monitoring and evaluating a resilient quality culture? In what ways might this be realised?
  • How can assurance and enhancement activities be balanced to support and sustain resilient quality cultures? What is the evidence for particular approaches or thematic areas that might be important in this regard?
  • How can the voices and perspectives of important stakeholders such as learners, community and social groups inform and sustain resilient quality cultures?
  • What are the implications arising from the different divisions of roles at systems level and the varying purposes of quality?

This track is chaired by:

Elizabeth Noonan

Elizabeth Noonan

Saskia Ulrich

Saskia Ulrich

Dr Jannica Budde

Track Details

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Sustainable Travel Ideas for the EAIR Cork Forum

Travelling from Europe

Visitors from Europe can travel via Eurostar from Paris to London and from there by train to Wales and by boat to Dublin. Travellers can then take the train or bus to Cork. Alternatively, there is a daily boat connection from Roscoff or Calais (in Northern France) directly to Ringaskiddy, Cork.  

Link for Direct Ferries: https://www.directferries.ie/

Travelling from the UK

There are ways to travel to and from Ireland without flying, as there are train and bus services that link with ferry services across the Irish Sea which connect several ports in England, Wales and Scotland with Irish ferry ports of Rosslare, Dublin or Belfast with ongoing travel by car, bus or train. 

Cross County Rail Services

Where taking a flight is necessary, attendees are encouraged to consider direct flights to Ireland (Cork, Dublin) airports and to use cross country rail services where a direct flight to Cork is not possible.

Link for Irish rail: https://www.irishrail.ie/en-ie/

Travel options in Cork

Cork is a city where active travel options are both available and encouraged – walking and cycling.  Visitors to Cork City can get a 3 day TFI bike subscription.

Link to TFI Bike Subscription: https://www.bikeshare.ie/pricing-and-subscriptions.html

All accommodation options and EAIR Forum venues in Cork can be accessed easily by foot. 

Offsetting Travel Emissions

Forum attendees are invited to offset the unfavourable impact of air travel by combining attendance at the Cork forum with other meetings in Ireland, the UK and Europe. 

Forum attendees who wish to consider sustainable travel options may also wish to combine their attendance at the Cork EAIR Forum with their annual holiday and by so doing minimise the number of air flights taken in 2024. 

  • Programme: final version is available.
  • Call for contributions: Book chapter proposals can be sent by e-mail to our volume Editor-in-Chief Jessica Nooij (ja.nooij@avans.nl) before September 6th, 2024