News & Updates


19 Aug 2024

Call for Contributions 2025

Edited Volumes. Authors who submitted a proposal to the EAIR Forum 2024 are cordially invited to submit their proposal as a contribution to the sixth book volume of the EAIR conference book series “Higher Education. Linking Research, Policy and Practice“ that will be published in July 2025. The theme of the book will be in line with the theme of the Cork forum: “Sustainability, Resilience and Wellbeing”. For the latest volume, have a look at:

Book chapter proposals can be sent by e-mail to our volume Editor-in-Chief Jessica Nooij ( before September 6th, 2024. For the book chapter proposal, the initial abstract proposal to EAIR will suffice. Be aware that the editorial team will have to be selective about the chapters that will be included in the volume, and that all chapters will be peer reviewed. Authors will be notified about the decision of the editorial team at the end of September.

Call for Contributions 2025


11 Jul 2024

EAIR Cork Forum Presentation Guidelines

We are delighted to have you as a key part of our upcoming EAIR Cork Forum on Sustainability, Resilience, and Wellbeing. As you prepare your presentations, we would like to provide some guidelines to ensure your content is delivered effectively and engages our EAIR audience.



26 Jun 2024


EAIR invites colleagues who are 35 years of age or younger at the time of the Forum to participate in the competition for the EAIR OUTSTANDING PAPER AWARD.



5 Jun 2024

EAIR Cork Forum Programme 2024

We are pleased to inform you that the programme for the EAIR Cork Forum is currently being finalized. The finalized programme will be available by 1 July.


7 May 2024

Call for candidates for the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of EAIR launches a call for candidates willing to take a position in the EC. More information can be found here

Candidates are expected to submit their interest before 3 July 2024

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  • Programme: final version is available.
  • Call for contributions: Book chapter proposals can be sent by e-mail to our volume Editor-in-Chief Jessica Nooij ( before September 6th, 2024