EAIR Forum 2025

EAIR Forum Programme Schedule
More information will follow soon ...
Welcome reception
Aula Maxima, Main Quadrangle, University College Cork
Professor Paul McSweeney, Vice President of Learning and Teaching, University College Cork, EAIR PRESIDENT Prof. dr. Marijk van der Wende
Registration Desk available outside Aula Maxima from 17h 30
Registration opens
Registration opens – Ground Floor, Western Gateway Building, Western Road, Cork; (T12 XF62); Tea and Coffee served
Annual General Meeting EAIR
Western Gateway Building, Room G05
Opening address and welcome
EAIR Chair – Dr Bruno Brocker, Cork Forum Chairs: Dr Anne Gannon, Dr Catherine O’Mahony & Dr Ruth Hally – Western Gateway Building, Room G05
KEYNOTE – Professor Ellen Hazelkorn
– Western Gateway Building, Room G05
“Linking research policy and practice” how well are we fulfilling EAIR’s mission in our own work?
Coffee break & Track Room Set Up
Tracks 11:00 – 12:45
TRACKS | 11:00 – 11:15 | 11:15 – 11:45 | 11:45 – 12:15 | 12:15 – 12:45 |
Track 1 Sustainable Strategic Management and Governance in Higher Education Chairs: Dr Ruth Hally/Professor Rosalind Pritchard Room: G18 | Track 1: Introduction by Track Chairs | Małgorzata Dzimińska Bridging science and society with the Science Hub initiative | Maria Dunavolgyi The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Knowledge intensive organizations, Managerialism and Toxic Cultures | Flávia Colus A new instrument to assess community engagement in universities’ strategic planning |
Track 2 Innovation in Teaching and Learning and sustainable professional practice Chairs: Prof Paul McSweeney/Professor Matt O’Leary Room: G15 | Track 2: Introduction by Track Chairs | Maureen Andrade Online Course Design: Understanding the Learner Experience | Birgitt Erdwien & Cecilia Post The Learning & Teaching Strategy Days at the Euro-FH: A participatory approach to higher education development and didactics | Marie-Louise Damen Navigating New Frontiers: A Comparative Study of Educational Values Pre- and Post-Police Education Reform in Iceland |
Track 3 Sustaining Research Excellence Chairs: Dr David O’Connell/Dr Jessica Nooij Room: G04 | Track 3: Introduction by Track Chairs | Stefan Büchele How has the importance of the doctoral degree-granting university for academic labor market outcomes developed since 1960? Evidence for Germany | Corinna Geppert Research Excellence Sustained by Doctoral Education | Jonas Lindahl The relationship between research independence and doctoral student publishing in medicine |
Track 4 Sustaining Resilient Quality Cultures in Higher Education Chair: Elizabeth Noonan/ Dr Jannica Budde Room: G02 | Track 4: Introduction by Track Chairs | Sinéad O’Sullivan Structures and Values; The role of quality professionals in sustaining a quality culture | Elisabeth Hovdhaugen & Jannecke Wiers-Jenssen Pleased or proficient? Predictors of student satisfaction and learning outcomes in nursing and teacher education | Clodagh Kerr Developing work integrated learning at University College Cork through a community of practice: Case study. (TRACK 2) |
Track 5 Embedding and Sustaining Digitalisation Chairs: Dr Sarah Thelen/ Dr Göran Melin Room: G13 | Track 5: Introduction by Track Chairs | Julia Jochim & Vera Kristina Lenz-Kesekamp Exams in the era of ChatGPT: A didactical and practical evaluation of possible exam formats | Jannica Budde (Gen)AI and its implementation in German higher education – What can we learn for sustainable digitalisation? | Magnus Strand Hauge Norwegian Students’ Adoption of, and Attitudes towards, Generative AI in Higher Education |
Track 6 Internationalisation and Sustainable Transnational Cooperation Chairs: Dr Jean van Sinderen-Law/Professor Marijk van der Wende Room: G09 | Track 6: Introduction by Track Chairs | Marc Huesch Spatial proximity and global reach: Unveiling influences on students’ university choices in Germany | Neslihan Önder Özdemir Trajectories for creating a dictionary for international students | Ester Hoehle The developmental impact of studies abroad of alumni from the Global South and the specific role of scholarships |
Track 7 Sustaining staff and student wellbeing Chairs: Dr Eithne Hunt/Professor Mark O’Hara Room: G05 | Track 7: Introduction by Track Chairs | Julia Mayr Enhancing Students’ Wellbeing: A Comprehensive Self-Assessment Approach at FH OÖ | Elizabeth Archer The Unseen Struggle: Investigating Food and Housing Insecurity at the University of the Western Cape | Jessica Nooij We’ve got your back! Emotional support as a driver to student wellbeing? |
HYBRID Track Mixed Theme Chairs: Panourgias Papaioannou/ Dr. Anne Gannon/ Professor Silke Preymann Room: G14 | HYBRID Track: Introduction by Track Chair | Sarnish Kour Leadership Resilience Scale: An effective took for adherence and enhancement of quality culture in Higher Education (TRACK 4) | Silvia Gallagher Transdisciplinary Sustainability Education in a European University Alliance: Teaching for Impact (TRACK 2) | Iris Schmidberger Supporting Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education by Design Thinking (TRACK 2) |
Tracks 14:00 – 15:00
TRACKS | 14:00 – 14:30 | 14:30 – 15:00 |
Track 1 Sustainable Strategic Management and Governance in Higher Education Chairs: Dr Ruth Hally/Professor Rosalind Pritchard Room: G18 | Kajetan Stransky-Can Innovative Steering Approaches Needed to Implement Generic University Policy | Bernhard Boehm Strategically managing the performance of higher education mergers – Insights from 4 European merger cases |
Track 2 Innovation in Teaching and Learning and sustainable professional practice Chairs: Prof Paul McSweeney/Professor Matt O’Leary Room: G15 | Pavel Sorokin Volunteering, entrepreneurship and social media-based activism as manifestations of student’s agency: systematic empirical analysis using big data and implications for education policy (TRACK 1) | WELLBEING WALK |
Track 3 Sustaining Research Excellence Chairs: Dr David O’Connell/Dr Jessica Nooij Room: G04 | Christa Winkler & Matthew Mayhew Impact without Randomization: Lessons from a National, Longitudinal Evaluation | WELLBEING WALK |
Track 4 Sustaining Resilient Quality Cultures in Higher Education Chair: Elizabeth Noonan/ Dr Jannica Budde Room: G02 | Julia Spörk & Maria Krakovsky Beyond ECTS: Unveiling the Complex Reality of Student Workload | Wafa Singh Institutionalizing Community Engagement in Universities: A Strategic Management Approach for Countering Competitive Neoliberalism with Collaborative Engagement (TRACK 1) |
Track 5 Embedding and Sustaining Digitalisation Chairs: Dr Sarah Thelen/ Dr Göran Melin Room: G13 | Lene Kirstine Korseberg ChatGPT as an Institutional Shock: Business as Usual or the Start of a New Normal? (WAS TRACK 1) | Xiaoling Ma Bridging Beliefs and Practice: Investigating Digitalization in Language Teaching at UCC |
Track 6 Internationalisation and Sustainable Transnational Cooperation Chairs: Dr Jean van Sinderen-Law/Professor Marijk van der Wende Room: G09 | Philipp Pohlenz What makes university alliances work? Success factors of sustainable institutional cooperation | Jiexiu Chen Broken desire: the self-governance and struggles in Chinese Students’ decision to abandon study abroad plans during the pandemic |
Track 7 Sustaining staff and student wellbeing Chairs: Dr Eithne Hunt/Professor Mark O’Hara Room: G05 | Larissa Bartok Unveiling student perceptions of success: A qualitative case study in Austrian higher education. | Lisa Chu Culture transformation for Health, Wellness and Resiliency |
HYBRID Track Mixed Theme Chairs: Panourgias Papaioannou/ Dr. Anne Gannon/ Professor Silke Preymann Room: G14 | Ilaria Falvo Universities’ identities and their responses to ChatGPT (TRACK 5) | Enna Moroeroe, Lebohang Makobane & Semira Pillay Leveraging Data from University Surveys to Enhance Sustainable Wellbeing at a South African University (TRACK 7) |
Tea and coffee
Tracks 15:30 – 17:30
TRACKS | 15:30 – 16:00 | 16:00 – 16:30 | 16:30 – 17:00 | 17:00 – 17:30 |
Track 1 Sustainable Strategic Management and Governance in Higher Education Chairs: Dr Ruth Hally/Professor Rosalind Pritchard Room: G18 | Anete Veidemane Critical events and the role of leadership in sustainability transformations at a leading university in sustainability: A case study using CIT | Frans Kaiser How to overcome the perverse effects of league tables on the academic community? Roundtable Discussion: 60 minutes | ||
Track 2 Innovation in Teaching and Learning and sustainable professional practice Chairs: Prof Paul McSweeney/Professor Matt O’Leary Room: G15 | Pavel Sorokin University students’ agency in the mirror of digital traces: empirical analysis using big data from social media, entrepreneurship and volunteering related platforms (TRACK 1) | Daniela Nömeyer, Victoria Kaiselgruber & Petra Endl-Pichler Teaching Sustainability with Ease: Minimal Effort, Maximum Impact. Exchange and development of good practices Workshop: 90 minutes | ||
Track 3 Sustaining Research Excellence Chairs: Dr David O’Connell/Dr Jessica Nooij Room: G04 | Victoria Igorevna Slepykh The relationship between academic inbreeding and publication activity in the academic profession | Jouni Kekäle & Ellen Hazelkorn Higher Education Policy for Tackling Climate Change. – Focus on Strategic Institutional Leadership. A Book Launch | Oliver Vettori & Johanna Warm (Self)-promoting meta-organisations: Positioning and identity work within European University alliances (Track 1) | |
Track 4 Sustaining Resilient Quality Cultures in Higher Education Chair: Elizabeth Noonan/ Dr Jannica Budde Room: G02 | Régent, Verena Sustainability self-assessment for HEIs and its potential for sustainability strategies | Mark O’Hara Achieving SDG 4 ‘Quality Education’: Sustainability through ‘becoming’ Workshop: 90 minutes | ||
Track 5 Embedding and Sustaining Digitalisation Chairs: Dr Sarah Thelen/ Dr Göran Melin Room: G13 | Julia Jochim & Vera Lenz-Kesekamp Developing “AI teaching competence” in higher education institutions – a survey of a training course | Rubert Beinhauer Summative Evaluation is dead – Working on Modern Assessment Methods Discussion/Roundtable: 90 minutes | ||
Track 6 Internationalisation and Sustainable Transnational Cooperation Chairs: Dr Jean van Sinderen-Law/Professor Marijk van der Wende Room: G09 | Ben Kokkeler New strategic HE alliances for cyber resilience The case of the Dutch CVD institute | Silke Preymann & Tanja Peherstorfer Navigating Tomorrow: A Workshop on Inner Development Goals for Sustainable Education Workshop: 60 minutes | ||
Track 7 Sustaining staff and student wellbeing Chairs: Dr Eithne Hunt/Professor Mark O’Hara Room: G05 | Borui Zheng & Keegan Covey Acculturation, Well-Being, and Social Trust: An Analysis of Policies and Practices for Supporting Foreign Students | Carla Sá & Orlanda Tavares Riding the wave: exploring the consequences of COVID-19 on HE dropout and on-time completion rates | Paula Mullen & Kayla Rush Embedding Wellbeing into the Third Level Curriculum | |
HYBRID Track Mixed Theme Chairs: Panourgias Papaioannou/ Dr. Anne Gannon/ Professor Silke Preymann Room: G14 | Daria Ivleva Measuring Research Contribution to Global and National Science (TRACK 3) | Matt O’Leary & Vanessa Cui Authentic insights into student engagement with learning and teaching through innovative pedagogical relationship building (TRACK 2) | Nandarani Maistry Developing a holistic strategic thinking perspective for universities (TRACK 1) |
Millennium Hall, Cork City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork T12 T997
Tea and coffee
KEYNOTE – Professor Rajesh Tandon
– Western Gateway Building, Room G05
Socially Responsible Higher Education: Re-engaging with Society
Tea and coffee
TRACKS | 10:30 – 11:00 | 11:00 – 11:30 | 11:30 – 12:00 | 12:00 – 12:30 |
Track 1 Sustainable Strategic Management and Governance in Higher Education Chairs: Dr Ruth Hally/Professor Rosalind Pritchard Room: G18 | Elke Welp-Park Executive university management revisited – lessons from history: governance shifts at Austrian universities from 1749-1849 | Jim Vander Putten A Systematic Review of Literature on Faculty Governance Using Artificial Intelligence | Gerhard Yngve Amundsen Evaluation of the functions and effects of the national Qualifications Framework in Norway – situated in a steering context. | Bayan Khalifa Optimal Distinctiveness: a longitudinal study of identity narratives of UK higher education |
Track 2 Innovation in Teaching and Learning and sustainable professional practice Chairs: Prof Paul McSweeney/Professor Matt O’Leary Room: G15 | Ruth Hally Adopting Community-Engaged Learning Teaching Approaches to Better Prepare Students for the Future | Catherine O’Mahony Redrawing the boundaries of European Higher Education: the UNIC Experience | Yadi Guo How Course Challenge and College Support Affect Top-notch Innovative Talents in Engineering | Erik Zeltner Career-related Learning of Non-European Full-time Master’s Graduates from Germany, Italy, and the UK |
Track 3 Sustaining Research Excellence Chairs: Dr David O’Connell/Dr Jessica Nooij Room: G04 | Laura Lüchtefeld A Review of Reviews – Meta-review Analysis of Literature on Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Higher Education | Verena Régent From R&I to societal and economic impact – an exploratory analysis of good practices in higher education and innovation systems | Shuguang Wei & Min Chen Characteristics and Normative Analysis of Case Study Methods in Institutional Research in China | |
Track 4 Sustaining Resilient Quality Cultures in Higher Education Chair: Elizabeth Noonan/ Dr Jannica Budde Room: G02 | Xiaoling Ma Navigating the Intersection of Passion and Belonging: Strategies for Contract Language Teachers in Sustaining Resilient Quality Cultures within Irish Universities | Panourgias Papaioannou The rise of academic performance appraisal in higher education institutions: a review of the literature. | Glen Jones Virtual Gown and Town: The Athabasca University Crisis and the Conflict of Institutional Logics (TRACK 1) | Antje Wegner & René Kremplow From evidence to impact? Practices of evidence use for quality management at German Higher Education Institutions |
Track 5 Embedding and Sustaining Digitalisation Chairs: Dr Sarah Thelen/ Dr Göran Melin Room: G13 | Loretta Goff Hacking the Future of Assessment: A Structured, Collaborative Approach to Addressing Challenges Posed by GenAI | Maria Manatos How can technologies impact higher education? Academics’ perceptions about the major challenges and benefits of remote learning and assessment | Ben Kokkeler AI Learning Communities in the Dutch HE system Temporary phenomena or uptakes to structural configurations? (WAS TRACK 1) | Andrea Kottmann Big changes through small actors: Teaching and learning centres as street-level bureaucrats in national digitisation programmes |
Track 6 Internationalisation and Sustainable Transnational Cooperation Chairs: Dr Jean van Sinderen-Law/Professor Marijk van der Wende Room: G09 | Shuiyun Liu & Wenyan Liang A study of the factors influencing Chinese college students’ choices to study abroad | Rosalind Pritchard English in Higher Education: Challenges in an Internationalising World. | Margrete Søvik Geopolitical tension and transnational cooperation in higher education and research: Perspectives from Norway | |
Track 7 Sustaining staff and student wellbeing Chairs: Dr Eithne Hunt/Professor Mark O’Hara Room: G05 | Irene Hartigan Fostering Campus Wellbeing: Insights from the MCC PAWS @ UCC Program | Jeroen Kleingeld Nurturing and sustaining student wellbeing while improving higher education with the results! | Kevork Toros Horissian & Biliana Vassileva Stoytcheva Factors Affecting Faculty Job Satisfaction and Wellbeing | Eithne Hunt The “Everyday Matters: Healthy Habits for University Life” Digital Badge – an evaluation of impact from 2021-2023 |
HYBRID Track Mixed Theme Chairs: Panourgias Papaioannou/ Dr. Anne Gannon/ Professor Silke Preymann Room: G14 | Tatsuya Tanaka Demands from the Business Community for Vocational Education at the Higher Education in Japan (TRACK 1) | Navdeep Singh Enhancing Career Resilience through Psychosocial Support: Exploring the Influence of Mentoring, Networking, and Psychological Resources (TRACK 4) | Svetlana Shenderova Management of Sino-Russian internationalisation: Cui bono? (TRACK 1) | Louise Marlene Schubotz & Sandra von Sydow Teaching AI in higher education: exploring different approaches (TRACK 5) |
Tracks 13:30 – 15:00
TRACKS | 13:30 – 14:00 | 14:00 – 14:30 | 14:30 – 15:00 |
Track 1 Sustainable Strategic Management and Governance in Higher Education Chairs: Dr Ruth Hally/Professor Rosalind Pritchard Room: G18 | Victor Borden Visualizing Changes in the US Higher Education Landscape | Jens Kjær Riemer Copenhagen Business School Green Dashboard | Webbstock, Denyse Turning performativity on its head – using strategic planning to advance societal impact and sustainability |
Track 2 Innovation in Teaching and Learning and sustainable professional practice Chairs: Prof Paul McSweeney/Professor Matt O’Leary Room: G15 | Isabelle Grosch & Joris Boonen Exploring the link between Multicultural Personality and Engagement with Sustainable Development: Findings from the Global Mind Monitor in Dutch Higher Education | Rebecca Robinson Engaging Green Champions for an Effective Higher Education Green Transition – Identifying key aspects to better engage individuals in HEIs in sustained growth for the Green Transition | Andrea Kottmann On the significance of intra-organisational teacher networks for large-scale educational changes in higher education institutions |
Track 3 Sustaining Research Excellence Chairs: Dr David O’Connell/Dr Jessica Nooij Room: G04 | Kjersti Eckblad, Ingrid Furfjord, Arne Nørstebø, Eckblad, Kjersti, Kim Anders Simonsen & Maria Louiza Christina Damen Responding to future requirements when the students want to be educated for today: dilemma’s in Norwegian Police University College instructor training programs. Workshop: 90 minutes (TRACK 2) | ||
Track 4 Sustaining Resilient Quality Cultures in Higher Education Chair: Elizabeth Noonan/ Dr Jannica Budde Room: G02 | Torstein Nielsen Hole & Herdis Hølleland Fostering long term innovation projects in higher education Round Table Discussion: 60 minutes | WELLBEING WALK | |
Track 5 Embedding and Sustaining Digitalisation Chairs: Dr Sarah Thelen/ Dr Göran Melin Room: G13 | Jean Yves Le Corre Designing ESG KPIs: A Roadmap and Learning Solution for successful KPI design in organisations. Workshop: 90 minutes | ||
Track 6 Internationalisation and Sustainable Transnational Cooperation Chairs: Dr Jean van Sinderen-Law/Professor Marijk van der Wende Room: G09 | Katie Power Engaging Persona Theory to understand the value, importance and impact of physical spaces on the learning experiences of students and faculty in university education. Workshop: 90 minutes(TRACK 7) | ||
Track 7 Sustaining staff and student wellbeing Chairs: Dr Eithne Hunt/Professor Mark O’Hara Room: G05 | Eline van der Vleuten How can psychoeducation be effective in fostering student wellbeing? Lessons from two case studies | Cecilia Post & Birgitt Erdwien The “third attempt coaching” – A practical approach to supporting students with exam anxiety | Elisabeth Hovdhaugen & Vegard Wilborg Evaluating the Extent of Skill Mismatches Across Fields and Their Impact on Graduate Job Satisfaction |
HYBRID Track Mixed Theme Chairs: Panourgias Papaioannou/ Dr. Anne Gannon/ Professor Silke Preymann Room: G14 | Anna Lobodzinska Behind the scenes – the role of administrative professionals in academia (TRACK 3) | María del Carmen Arau Ribeiro,Tanja Vesala-Varttala & Agnes Pal How to reap the benefits of teacher collaboration: Student reflections on their university learning experiences in language-related activities (Track 2) Round Table Discussion: 60 minutes |
Tea and coffee
TRACKS | 15:30 – 16:00 | 16:00 – 16:30 | 16:30 – 17:00 |
Track 1 Sustainable Strategic Management and Governance in Higher Education Chairs: Dr Ruth Hally/Professor Rosalind Pritchard Room: G18 | No activities | ||
Track 2 Innovation in Teaching and Learning and sustainable professional practice Chairs: Prof Paul McSweeney/Professor Matt O’Leary Room: G15 | Rupert Beinhauer Summative Evaluation is dead – Working on Modern Assessment Methods. Workshop: 90 minutes | ||
Track 3 Sustaining Research Excellence Chairs: Dr David O’Connell/Dr Jessica Nooij Room: G04 | No activities | ||
Track 4 Sustaining Resilient Quality Cultures in Higher Education Chair: Elizabeth Noonan/ Dr Jannica Budde Room: G02 | Kim Huijpen Making room for everyone’s talent: reforming academic career assessment in practice Workshop: 90 minutes | ||
Track 5 Embedding and Sustaining Digitalisation Chairs: Dr Sarah Thelen/ Dr Göran Melin Room: G13 | Darlington Tozivepi Mutakwa Embedding digitalisation in South African higher education through bridging the digital divide | ||
Track 6 Internationalisation and Sustainable Transnational Cooperation Chairs: Dr Jean van Sinderen-Law/Professor Marijk van der Wende Room: G09 | No activities | ||
Track 7 Sustaining staff and student wellbeing Chairs: Dr Eithne Hunt/Professor Mark O’Hara Room: G05 | Anna Santucci Re-Energized Framework: Promoting Academic Wellbeing through Engagement Workshop:60 minutes | ||
HYBRID Track Mixed Theme Chairs: Panourgias Papaioannou/ Dr. Anne Gannon/ Professor Silke Preymann Room: G14 | Florentine Paudel & Rolf Laven Service-learning in the digital age: opportunities and challenges for social engagement (TRACK 5) | Daria Ivleva & Wen Qi Measuring faculty research impact: conventional or alternative metrics (TRACK 3) | Andrea Klér Working smart for sustainable research and publication – ECA’s experience in a Hungarian economic university (Track 3) |
Closing address
Room # | Capacity | Layout |
WGB G05 | 298 | T |
WGB G02 | 70 | F |
WGB G04 | 60 | F |
WGB G09 | 40 | F |
WGB G13 | 54 | F |
WGB G14 | 70 | F |
WGB G15 | 70 | F |
WGB G18 | 60 | F |
WGB G16 | 39 | F |
WGB G17 | 28 | F |
Reservation: Thursday 22nd to Saturday 24th August, 2024
Aula Max on Wednesday 21st August 2024 from 4pm-8pm