Newsletter Contributions

Letter from the Chair

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ornare neque eu posuere scelerisque. Vivamus efficitur venenatis neque, nec consectetur ex luctus non. Mauris eu faucibus metus. Nulla efficitur tempor facilisis. Vivamus vel ex quis dolor varius lacinia et sed magna. Aenean ac fringilla ipsum. Curabitur at auctor quam. Nullam rhoncus, mauris id varius gravida, magna enim placerat tellus, in congue ipsum diam eu mi. Aliquam ut mauris ornare neque semper fringilla. Nam augue sapien, tincidunt sit amet sagittis ut, mattis vitae turpis.

Sed et libero non lorem tincidunt vulputate. Integer non tincidunt neque. Pellentesque gravida rutrum auctor. Nulla nec ex ut arcu mollis feugiat porttitor vel massa. Nulla ac enim scelerisque, tristique mi nec, tempus nibh. Cras molestie velit consectetur posuere iaculis. Fusce ullamcorper ante dui, ut ornare sapien efficitur ac. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare dolor eu tempor mollis. Donec euismod sem sed nulla blandit lacinia. Maecenas ac leo diam.

Cras a mi sit amet odio semper molestie. Praesent pharetra, mauris nec tempus bibendum, erat felis sagittis erat, sit amet facilisis elit nulla eu felis. Suspendisse aliquam nunc auctor sollicitudin elementum. Maecenas a dictum urna, a dictum quam. Sed blandit, purus sed laoreet varius, velit leo gravida massa, non lacinia lectus justo at diam. Nam imperdiet dui sed ultricies aliquam. Quisque sit amet tortor ex. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vestibulum sit amet metus at sapien venenatis mattis non a orci. Donec porta lectus sed elit ornare, id venenatis lectus malesuada. Integer id convallis neque. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam tincidunt arcu sed tristique fringilla. Cras at mi et tellus venenatis ornare nec molestie ligula. Nam pellentesque leo quis odio faucibus vehicula.

EAIR Annual Forum

EAIR Cork Forum 2024: A look back at this year’s Forum

The EAIR (European Association for Institutional Research) Cork Forum 2024 took place from the 21st to the 23rd of August at University College Cork (UCC), Ireland, bringing together academics, researchers, and professionals from across the globe to discuss the latest trends and challenges in higher education.

TEAM Updates

Publishing in TEAM

The EAIR publishes an international, interdisciplinary and  peer-reviewed journal, Tertiary Education and Management (TEAM). TEAM welcomes research contributions that reflect upon, study or question main developmental trends and practices, and address current and future challenges in higher education. Contributions may include high quality papers from the annual Forum, but the journal is open to other appropriate contributions as well. ​Since January 2019, TEAM is published in collaboration with Springer Nature.

News from EAIR Members



Call for candidates for the Executive Committee

Dear members of the EAIR,

as stipulated in our Constitution and Bylaws, the terms of the members of the Executive Committee has
a duration of three years. This year the terms of all EC members is coming to an end.

Your Benefits as an EAIR Member

Join EAIR and find an exciting and open organisation where you can meet and become friends and colleagues with people from around the globe! We are a diverse group from various higher education cultures as well as from a wide variety of professional backgrounds.

There are various benefits to getting your membership:

  • You will receive the EAIR journal ‘Tertiary Education And Management’ (TEAM) every quarter
  • You can download the EAIR Monograph Series‘ Research, Policy and Practice in Higher Education’
  • You will receive the EAIR electronic ‘News Letter’ several times a year with information for and from members and also regular ‘News Alerts’ from the world of higher education
  • You’ll have the opportunity to be nominated and elected for positions within the Executive or other Committees and can express your opinion during the General Meeting, held annually during the Forum.

We are looking forward to having you join us as a member of the EAIR!

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